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Avoid crashing into animals on our roads!

Not all animals on roads are as comfortable near vehicles as the one in the above photo!! A very real danger on the roads of South Africa is the presence of animals on the roads and the risk of them causing fatal crashes!

Unfortunately we find in many areas, especially our rural areas that fences have been removed and cattle find themselves grazing next to the roads. In many other areas especially in the Karoo we also find wildlife crossing the roads and antelope such as the kudu jumping fences to cross the road!

What can motorists do to protect themselves?

We would like to quote from the Arrive Alive road safety website:

Avoiding Animals On The Road: Tips for motorists

There is no foolproof way to keep animals away from the roads. Hoofed mammals that stand high on their legs, such as cattle, horses and antelope such as kudu pose the most danger to vehicle occupants. If they are hit they can roll onto the bonnet and into the windshield or roof, resulting in extensive damage and serious or fatal injury. Due to their height, their eyes are above most headlight beams.

There are a few suggestions that could assist in protecting motorists:

Also view:

Avoiding Animals on the Road

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