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New reporting tool allows fleet managers to accurately calculate their e-toll transactions

Cartrack, has launched a new e-toll report that allows fleet managers to accurately calculate their e-toll transactions and better manage their operating costs. This report is the solution to fleet managers who have been burdened with the additional challenge of having to manage and monitor the complex e-toll tariff system across multiple vehicles.

“The roll out of the Gauteng e-toll system has brought with it significant administrative challenges for fleet managers, along with an increased cost of doing business. The importance of managing these costs and also ensuring that e-toll transactions are correct and allocated to the appropriate vehicles is of paramount importance, especially in a fleet situation where multiple vehicles are in operation at any one time. Cartrack’s e-toll report allows fleet managers to monitor the number and cost of their e-toll transactions throughout the month in real-time. It can be used to reconcile to or easily validate the e-toll statements, thereby eliminating incorrect or excessive charges,” explains Lorenz Stoger, Fleet Services Manager at Cartrack, South Africa.

Cartrack clients who have fleet management units (tracking units with GPS positioning) fitted to their vehicles will be able to generate reports on demand to monitor their e-toll costs for any specific vehicle during the course of the month and to extract reports historically. Two report options are available – one calculates fares at e-tag holder rates and a second option calculates rates for users who do not have e-tags fitted. The reports can be automated using Cartrack’s ‘i-net reports setup’ to generate automatically at predetermined intervals, for example daily, weekly or monthly.

“By geofencing the exact position of each e- toll gantry in Gauteng, Cartrack’s GPS fleet management unit detects and logs an e-toll ‘event’ each time the vehicle passes through a gantry. The date, time, gantry name, vehicle type/class, direction of travel and toll cost are then recorded in a database. Users are then able to generate reports that allow them to calculate toll costs for specific vehicles, a vehicle group or their entire fleet in real time, without having to wait until month-end for their SANRAL invoices,” explains Lorenz.

Another important application of this report is the detection of licence plate cloning. Licence plate cloning can be a nightmare for any fleet manager whereby vehicle owners with e-tags linked to their accounts could have amounts deducted for vehicles with false plates identical to their own. This remains a challenge that SANRAL is still grappling to find a solution to.

“Cartrack’s e-toll report provides an invaluable tool to detect such fraudulent activity relating to cloned plates, and a concrete means to challenge any false charges to your account with SANRAL. Fleet managers need an accurate and real-time system that allows them to monitor and detect and resolve any anomalies immediately,” concludes Lorenz.

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Fleet Management , Logistics and Road Safety

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