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When does a driver need a Prdp in terms of Hazardous Substances being transported?


“When does a driver need a PDP in terms of the quantities of Hazardous Substances being transported? The example was the difference between a mobile diesel bowser and a jerry can on the back of a bakkie. What is the cut off in terms of quantities for the driver to require having a PDP?”


The Prdp cut off is a goods vehicle with a GVM of more than 3500 kg.

The cut off referred to as the exempt quantities, for the roadworthy certificate, operator cards, placarding, tremcards, etc.

It s different for every substance.

The quantities are listed in Sans 10231Aannexure C. Diesel is 1000 litres and petrol is 500 litres.

Many substances like explosives have no exemptions and some others are 20 kg or 40 kg.

There are 3500 substances so it is quite a mountain of info.



Alta Swanepoel and Associates

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