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4 Secrets to zeroing in on the life you’ve always wanted to live

We each get just 1 life, and each of us has dreams and desires for what that life will look like. Somewhere along the way, however, things get in the way. We become a little lost or overwhelmed, and we lose sight of what we want or how to achieve it. Not just that, but challenges and obstacles crop up that can derail our progress and focus.

Here are 5 secrets that will help you overcome bumps in the road, tidy up the distractions, focus on what’s important, and live a more successful life.

Secret 1: Define and focus

There’s no such as ‘having it all’. That’s an advertising gimmick that’s fooled many of us into thinking that we’ve failed if we can’t give 100% for the 100 different things that make up our lives. Instead, the secret to success lies in defining what success means to you and then being selective about what to focus on, so that you can achieve your goals.

A shortcut to help you get started is to spend time choosing what you want to achieve in your life, whether it’s for a season or more long term. This isn’t about setting down the nitty gritty of it all, it’s about defining your ‘big picture’ goals. For instance, you may want to further your career, or to be a more involved parent, or to write short stories. These become your priorities… The things that you won’t compromise on.

Usually, you can handle 4 to 5 bog goals in your life. Anything more and you’ll start dropping balls all over the place. Anything that’s not a priority can, of course, be cared about or paid attention to, but these would be the things that you can relax about and compromise on.

Secret 2: Get organised

Once you’ve defined the priorities that you’ll focus on, you need to get organised. So, sit down and create a plan that’ll form a balanced part of your life… And more importantly, make sure you can stick to it.

How you do this depends on you. Some prefer to schedule things on a calendar or spreadsheet and do it themselves, others might find it more beneficial to plan things out with a life coach.

Everyone is different, so do what works for you.

Secret 3: Don’t aim to give 100% all the time

It’s great to give things your all. But that’s not achievable for everything, all the time. Added to that, everyone is unique and their ‘all’ looks different to yours. An interesting idea is to actually NOT go for 100%, because by hitting 100% for 1 of your main goals you’ll most likely have neglected 1 of the others.

So, be realistic about what you can achieve. Break down your goals into smaller tasks and milestones and go after 75%. If you manage to nail it all without working through the night and ignoring the other priorities in your life, then well done!

Secret 4: Wrap up the admin of life

Medical aid, trips to the dentist, car insurance… These are all necessary parts of life that simply must be dealt with and not procrastinated about. The alternative is to wait until something goes wrong and deal with the consequences, like a tooth ache or car accident.

Take insurance, for example. The consequences of living life uninsured can be painful and expensive, so rather speak to a professional about wrapping up your insurance admin, like King Price. With royal service that goes above and beyond the call of duty, affordable premiums that decrease monthly, and the option to get R1 insurance for some of your more expensive portable possessions, the royal insurer offers a range of affordable insurance solutions.

If you want to get cover for the first time or are considering changing your car and home insurance to King Price, click here for a quote, call their sales team on 0860 50 50 50, or send an email to

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