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Advice on Safety from Housebreaking and Burglary at our Homes

What can we do to protect ourselves from housebreaking?

Home: Safety Tips and Safety Awareness at Home:


A high fence around the house with lockable gates, is much safer than a high wall due to the advantage of the improved visibility it provides.

The primary aim of the fence is to make access/intrusion difficult and to allow dogs to move freely around the house.

Ensure that your gates are locked at all times and that the keys cannot be reached easily and are not lying around uncontrolled.

Security gates with sturdy locks in front of each outer door as well as burglar proofing covering all windows, are recommended.

The following devices prevent easy access:

Alarm Systems:

An alarm system, preferably connected to an armed response company, can act as an effective deterrent.

In the rural environment a siren/alarm on the roof that can be heard over a long distance and that can be activated by means of a switch/panic button in the house, is recommended.

A few switches/panic buttons in different rooms of the house should preferably be installed.

An alarm must also have the capability to warn the occupants of any intrusion into the house.

Examples of alarm systems:

Security Lights:

Safety Precautions:

Access and Key Control:


There should be two systems for alternative back up:

Inform your children not to give an indication that adult supervision is not available when they answer the phone.

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