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Stop now and insure your camera

What do cameras cost nowadays? Anywhere between a couple of hundred for a happy snapper to a few thousand for something a little sexier. And yet, in spite of this cost, people forget about camera insurance. But what if you were walking around with a couple of hundred or a few thousand in your pocket on a consistent basis? We’re talking hard cash. If that were the case, we’re pretty sure you’d consider cheap insurance if you had the opportunity.
You know, just in case of theft or losing it.
Now transform this cash into a camera and then thank your lucky stars that there is an insurance policy specifically for your camera. To help you find out a bit more about camera insurance, we’ve gathered the most important details.
What it covers
Camera insurance covers the loss of your camera and photographic equipment, or damage to these items. It’s called camera insurance, but really your camera is insured under a portable possessions insurance policy. This means that if your camera’s value is under a set amount, then you don’t have to name it. It’s just covered. If your camera’s a touch more expensive, then you need to specify it (or name it) and it’ll be insured for its correct value. You’ll pay a bit extra, but it’ll still be affordable.
Your insurer will tell you if you need to specify it or not, but just in case… Make sure to ask.
Some super important details
We just need to make it clear that camera insurance doesn’t cover any old camera in your house. It has to be a camera that you, or a member of your household, owns and uses to take photos or videos. Not your cousin’s camera that you dropped in your kitchen and feel super bad about and want to repair or replace using your insurance.
That doesn’t count, although we do applaud you for feeling the need to make it right.
Reasons why you should get it
There are a number of reasons why you should insure your camera. The most obvious is that cameras are easy to drop and easier to steal, and because they’re expensive, it can be difficult to pay for the repairs or replacements out of your own pocket.
So you see, insurance makes a whole lot of sense, but there are also other, equally important, reasons to get your valuable camera insured:

· The value of a personal asset
A quality camera lens doesn’t depreciate much over time, in fact due to the fact that they are precision-made and created to last for many years, some even increase in value.
High quality lenses add to photographic worth and could act as a personal savings account that you can cash in. Because you can sell them at higher prices, your lenses are like personal assets.
And it’s always a good idea to insure your valuable personal assets.

· It doesn’t cost a lot
1 minute, you’re taking a picture. The next, your camera’s lying on the ground… Shattered. The battery side is wrecked, the lens is mangled, and it won’t even turn on. It’s ok if you cry. Especially if you have no money to buy a new 1. But if you’ve been paying a relatively small premium to insure your camera, then the day is saved.
The truth is that your premiums won’t cost you a whole heap if choose the policy that offers the most cover for the best price. At the end of the day, it’s far better to have this peace of mind so that you can use your camera without worry, whether you’re a professional, semi-pro, or amateur.
What are you waiting for? Get a commitment-free camera insurance quote for your camera or photography studio equipment, from the insurer committed to offering top-notch cover and royal service.

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