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4 Winter expenses that could freeze your budget

Homeowners are no strangers to unplanned expenses when common household equipment – from geysers and fridges to door locks and alarms – go on the fritz. This can easily derail the most disciplined and carefully planned budget and add unnecessary stress at a time that every penny counts.

This is part and parcel of owning a home and often happens unexpectedly. Savvy homeowners recognise that frequent maintenance and health checks on crucial equipment can go a long way to avoid nasty, expensive surprises.

A good starting point, however, is to check what is covered under your home insurance policy. You would typically have insurance that covers the building, and then also insurance for household contents.

Whilst building insurance is important, it does not mean that cover for household contents can be ignored as this insures your household belongings against fire, explosion, theft, acts of nature like wind, thunder, lightning and storm damage.

With that in mind, here are some top tips for homeowners on how to avoid unplanned expenses if something goes wrong around the house:

Don’t run the risk of being under-insured or not insured at all. Doing so means that you are at far greater risk of unexpected expenses, possibly at a time when you can least afford it.

[By: Hannes Oelsen, Head of Claims at MiWay Insurance]

MiWay is a Licensed Short-term Insurer and Financial Services Provider (License no: 33970).

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