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Be Aware of the Bipolar Disorder

The 26th May marks Bipolar Awareness Day and this year, SADAG is raising awareness once again to eliminate the stigma that so many still feel in their homes, workplaces and in broader society.

By talking about it, sharing resources and encouraging others to share their stories, we too can help people better understand their condition, and hopefully motivate them to reach out for help.

If you have a loved one living with Bipolar Disorder, you might find it easier to support them if you understand their symptoms, treatment plan and self-management techniques.

To help better understand Bipolar Disorder, you can use the information below to support and encourage your loved one to stay well and get help when needed.

To help individuals get expert tips & advice on how to manage Bipolar and where to get help. SADAG will be hosting a FREE #FacebookFriday online Q&A on 28 May at 1pm & 7pm focusing on Bipolar Awareness Day.

Bipolar is the 6th leading cause of disability in the world. Through our #FacebookFriday Online Chat, you can ask the experts any questions you might need with regards to this illness.

You can ask questions such as managing symptoms, medication, FAQs or how to take care of someone living with Bipolar.

Online Toolkit for Bipolar Disorder

The symptoms of Bipolar Disorder can disrupt relationships, work, studying and other areas of a person’s life.

To learn what Bipolar Disorder is, how it is diagnosed, the ways it is treated, what you can do to support a loved one, and how to manage medication please make use of the Toolkit below:

▪ A brochure explaining signs, symptoms, treatment and support – Click here

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