
Search for hijack victim in KwaZulu Natal

The public is requested to be on the lookout for a silver Nissan Murano with registration NU 70109.

Members of Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) were called out to a service station near Waterloo in Verulam at approximately 00:01 today after an injured man approached staff stating that he had been hijacked and his wife taken hostage by five gunmen.

On arrival, the victim informed Reaction Officers that he and his wife were hijacked for their SUV in Mayville. Their attackers drove off with them in the vehicle. As they passed Waterloo in Verulam the male victim jumped out of the moving vehicle. The suspects continued driving with his wife still in the vehicle.

The victim overheard the hijackers say that they would be travelling to Melmoth, north of Durban. He sustained injuries due to his fall from the moving vehicle and was transported to the hospital by ambulance.

Please share this post and if anyone has information that could assist in locating the female victim contact Reaction Unit South Africa on 086 1234 333.

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