
Know more about Tuberculosis and the Treatment of TB!

We would like to share some insights from Momentum and HelloDoctor on TB! Whether you’ve been infected with COVID-19 or not, we all feel the ripple-effects of this infection in our daily lives. In this respect, TB is not much different: If one man has TB, his wife may need to stay home to take care of him. If she is a colleague of yours at work, that means you have to pick-up the workload. This leads to longer work-hours, which affects your family and stress-levels. The ripple-effect continues, impacting all of us in direct or indirect ways.

Even if you don’t have TB, you are affected by it, and it will take all of us to turn the tide. Whether you are a patient, a loved one, or a stranger to the disease, here’s what you need to know about Tuberculosis.


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